Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mapuche, secret knowledge of nature

Throughout history, different cultures and civilizations, beings from other worlds if would be applicable, we found something in common, Respect. The authentic core concept within the laws of the entire universe, eminently to survive, from a philosophical view, i dare to say that all relates to the respect, from the beginning of time, which is uncertain, from the existence of any intelligent being, in a certain way, according to universal laws, every being exist for revere, honor, admire to something superior and beloved.

During our lives as human beings, we must accept and acknowledge the reality, essential for the developed of human being, our environment, people ,the intelligent elements , comprehend and understand the qualities of every being, the essence and their existence, the importance of the value of respect is critical in order to live in harmony.

Evidently as intelligent beings of high category, the acceptance of ourselves is paramount, respect and love for us, is something that logically it develops since we have use of reason, unconscious application of unconditional respect for us should be also for our environment.

Before its own existence to becoming Che ( people ) my ancestors had and have a magical  love with  the    intelligences  of the universe, with Mother Earth , a deep and unique respect, that is why they are called Mapuche ( people of the land ). The Mapuche knew that mother land and nature would do everything needed for their existence and survival, that is why from immemorial times, the Mapuche learned to live together with respect and harmony with the nature and mother earth, its for this very reason that they understood and anticipated natural disasters. A traditional knowledge, socialized closely with our ancestors from generation to generation, by experience of life .

The Mapuche language, Mapudungun, is the sacred language of the land. It says that the same mother earth taught us to speak, so that we speak the language of the land . The Mapuche connection with the  Mother Earth was unique and sacred , respect was just as essential. Regularly Mapuche gave thanks to the earth through sacred  rites  (nguillatĂșn) , were devoted to nature, had to be thankful and ask for wisdom, a good crops or weather, however Mother Nature got angry from time to time, and had natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis, It was just when an established law was not  respected.

The Mapuche connection with the nature has been decaying throughout time. Already 130 years have passed, and the Mapuche people have suffered endless calamities caused mostly by man or winka (non-Mapuche ). A natural disaster is added the genocide, ethnic cleansing and confiscation of our resources and of our territory; which condemned the poverty, hunger and misery to hundreds of thousands of indigenous families throughout the history.

In January 6, 1641. The Mapuche nation was the first independent state in the American continent,  recognized by the Crown of Spain in the Treaty of Quilin , the border was established between the two countries. The emerging states of Argentina and Chile also recognized the independence of our nation, through  the signed of treated and  the fortification of  the frontier .

However, between the Republic of Chile from 1862 to 1885 and subsequently the first republic Argentina embarked on an aggressive war that ended in 1885 with the occupation of our territory.

Since then the Mapuche people in Chile and Argentina, have been subjected to a relentless forced incorporation of both states, whose aim was to make us disappear as a people. Under conditions of subordination or as second-class citizens where racism , discrimination , abuse and contempt for our culture have been the rule rather than the exception. The history of our people was distorted and our heroes and heroines unknown in the educational system imposed ; also our spirituality and collective memory for coping with natural disasters have been eroded by the process of acculturation, including contempt of our cultural values ​​and traditional knowledge.

At present, the situation of the Mapuche people remains dire. Our traditional territory is exploited by logging companies, fishing, mining and hydrocarbons. Programs "modernization" which include construction of roads, airports, hydroelectric, etc., are made at the expense of the rights and interests of indigenous peoples. These programs are ongoing continuously without count with the participation of affected communities as national and international trademark laws. Deforestation of native trees and replacement with massive eucalyptus and pine plantations now cover more than ¾ of our ancestral lands in southern Chile, which has disastrous effects on ecosystems, biodiversity and the environment in general.

It is important to note that both programs and infrastructure development, as well as mining, forestry and aquaculture operation carried out in contravention of indigenous laws of both states and the OIT Convenio 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples. Pollution and water pollution caused by chemical waste, the establishment of landfills and sewage tanks, carried out deliberately in indigenous communities. This government policy has been classified by environmental organizations as 'environmental racism', considering that take effect in those communities for their state of helplessness and because they represent the most vulnerable segment of society.

Naturally all these harmful actions on the environment of the indigenous population have caused the rejection and resistance of the various communities affected. However, the government respond criminalizing their demands and violent repression of peaceful protests  applying the Terrorism Act

Not be left to say , respect for our history and our sacred lands , across southern Chile, has been corrupted , does not exist,  the knowledge and the importance of the relationship between the Mapuche and the nature, the eternal intelligence as elements, the essence of existence has been corrupted. We call the world to respect and support indigenous Mapuche , to respect nature and Mother Earth.