Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Araucania Araucana or Pewen.

Araucaria is one of the sacred trees for the Native Mapuche people, and is called in our mapudungun language Pewen. The fruit of this tree, it is called pinon, in mapudungun = nguilliu.

The exquisite life of the Pewen or Araucaria, holds a profound mystic for the Native Mapuche people.

It is an extinction tree and from time of the Mesozioca period, more than 200 years ago. A millennial tree that coexisted with dinosaurs. There is 19 different species of Araucarians, the origin, the south part of the globe, Chile and Argentina.

The Pewen and the pinion fruit, have a great medicinal and nutritional value, as we know the Mapuche use this fruit as a high protein source and the tree extract for heal injuries.

Lawentun, the Mapuche ceremony, where the MACHI (Native Mapuche Healer) using herbs and the knowledge on the nature have the power to heal.

In the Lawentun ceremony, the sick person recibe the right medicine to survive, through knowledge and connection with the ancestors, the MACHI is the only person who knows what the sick person needs, the medicine comes from different plants and herbs, mostly of the time, from sacred plants for the Mapuche, and it could cure many unknown diseases.The Pewen and Maqui, are some used in these rites.

Does really exist the cure of any sickness? Do you think that the cure for any sickness could be hidden in the mother nature?

Are the Mapuche the ones, who has the secrets of heal with the knowledge of the nature that they know, or is just the sacred elements on the Mapuche land? that could one of reason why the Native Mapuche were take caring to much their territories and boundaries.

For the natives Mapuche, there are bad and good trees, all the environment of the native Mapuche is life, and everything that have a life is eternal, every being that coexist with them has a mystic meaning, they can communicate with them, respect and love each other.

The trees with the good spirit, those ones produce good  food for you and prosperity, and the ones with bad spirit, bad fruit and sickness.

There was a secret reason that nobody knows why the Native Mapuche warrior fought so many years and they were never conquered for anyone. why they were so strong? Could be the food or maybe the sacred place where they live? 

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